When passing gas blood searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched when passing gas blood also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
blood when passing gas1.340.2228587
passing gas with mucus and blood0.670.319044
passing gas with blood and mucus discharge0.670.3169636
blood while passing gas0.750.52419
passing gas with bloody mucus1.060.745956
blood in toilet after passing gas1.020.27652100
bright red blood after passing gas0.480.4219991
passing gas and blood0.360.7335917
passing gas with blood mucus1.680.186485
passing gas and mucus0.880.7578470
passing mucus with gas0.10.6618076
mucus when passing gas1.020.7554936
when passing gas i pass mucus1.730.6223565
passing gas with mucus discharge0.440.8998039
passing gas with blood0.870.6341055
passing gas with clear mucus discharge0.030.2870820
when i pass gas i have mucus1.6411646
clear mucus when passing gas0.570.7746571
mucus discharge when passing gas1.40.2686421
passing gas and mucus no stool0.261494037
lots of gas and mucus1.630.4718436
bloody mucus in stool and gas0.310.7627784