Urban x awards 2019 searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched urban x awards 2019 also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
urban x awards 20220.730.7882594
urban x awards 2024 nominees0.240.4618862
urban x awards 20210.380.4157526
the urban x awards 20201.380.7578655
the urban x awards tickets1.260.1467817
the urban x awards winners1.310.2420435
the urban x awards categories0.090.8254138
the urban x awards voting0.921702839
the urban x awards nominees0.340.6704565
urban x awards 20241.970.381831
the urban x awards history1.070.5946631
the urban x awards live stream1.710.93922
the urban x awards sponsors0.060.9899733
urban x awards 20231.390.5180887
the urban x awards red carpet1.160.2265424