Passing of 60 searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched passing of 60 also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
passing of 60 items0.140.256875
passing of 60 marks1.720.4961480
passing marks out of 601.580.8490551
is a 60 passing0.010.6672698
is 60% a passing grade1.970.7663243
is a 60 passing in college1.940.4504751
is 60 a passing grade1.150.4776786
is 60 percent passing0.190.5998330
what is the passing marks of 600.241294883
what is the passing marks out of 600.330.3932997
passing marks out of 60 in college0.750.5308266
60 marks passing marks0.830.6948728