P s of corrections searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched p s of corrections also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
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ps correctional center0.480.9644273
ps correctional services kenya0.810.3966171
department of public safety corrections0.210.5301083
department of corrections and public safety1.730.7330415
state of pa department of corrections0.530.7507119
department of corrections prisons0.850.3983677
department of corrections state prison0.520.7962513
state of department of corrections0.10.1831149
pa state of corrections0.260.681530
pennsylvania state department of corrections1.39186375
corrections policing and public safety1.590.5545782
pa. dept. of corrections0.450.1603354
pg department of corrections0.080.9386392
pa department of corrections1.390.7172493
information on the corrections1.770.9623894
corrections support personnel csp0.860.4727259
from corrections to police0.080.555441
prison and correctional services1.270.3643118
police court and corrections0.430.2353353
prisons and correctional services department1.320.7675855
ps state department for correctional services0.961661868
correctional services in kenya1.440.2104243
department of correctional services kenya1.120.4590525
kenya prisons service recruitment1.20.7488035
kenya prisons service contacts1.530.1131441
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kenya prisons service address0.250.2157794
correctional facilities in kenya0.741570498
kenya prison service headquarters1.060.9987771
kenya prison service recruitment 20241.770.3351684
correctional services south africa1.890.5949759
kenya prison service recruitment 20231.730.2923052
department of correctional services kzn0.520.9160745
correctional services department south africa0.110.5498063
south african correctional services1.750.9455419
correctional services in pretoria1.680.9143383
correctional services in gauteng0.440.3982486
correctional services in mpumalanga0.080.3248914