Corrections novel searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched corrections novel also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
correctional novel ravi1.310.3212389
corrections novelist0.250.6616410
the corrections novelist jonathan1.080.83087100
the corrections novel read online1.40.1483440
jonathan wrote the corrections novel0.940.2129332
author of the corrections0.870.655318
the corrections by jonathan franzen1.530.8609575
the corrections jonathan franzen summary0.180.2577317
who wrote the corrections0.80.2153193
jonathan franzen the corrections review0.690.9388032
the book of corrections0.930.5529286
the corrections book review1.190.4472910
the corrections jonathan franzen reviews10.1515685
freedom and the corrections author0.240.2694836
corrections today fourth edition1.940.81000020