Commercials with songs searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched commercials with songs also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
songs in commercials 20231.210.6475534
popular songs used in commercials1.671493196
songs used in commercials1.840.8658168
beatles songs in commercials0.691105173
amazon commercial with beatles song1.450.4772813
songs from commercials0.561759164
amazon commercial with plants song1.440.6552044
songs in current commercials0.770.3454756
songs in commercials 20211.820.7226731
songs in commercials 20220.990.1377576
songs in commercials 20130.260.213204
songs in commercials 20141.410.272802
songs used in commercials 20231.070.4204615
beatles song in amazon commercial 20231.260.4793580
name of song in chime commercial 20231.970.1610160
kay jewelers song in commercial 20230.70.74030
popular songs in commercials 20231.480.965709
1970's songs in 2023 commercials0.390.422919
good morning america song in commercial 20231.870.5610141
what song is in the taco bell commercial 20231.470.6794527