Commercials made by students searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched commercials made by students also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
book commercials for students0.080.8280623
commercial examples for students0.720.6116277
most inspiring commercials for education0.740.8636179
free commercial maker for students0.221481747
college commercials on tv1.821332592
companies that advertise to college students0.310.4632593
how to make a commercial for school0.690.1919931
students make their own hotel commercial0.040.2187781
us university commercials youtube1.560.1656135
funny commercials appropriate for school0.860.5515285
commercial ideas for school0.351100544
youtube for school no commercials0.890.1457559
product advertisement examples for students0.590.213425
go to college commercial1.920.4448786
funny advertisements for students0.760.9407769
advertisements examples for students0.440.263228
high school football commercials0.850.8231162
advertise to college students1.990.2213810
schools on demand commercial0.190.5676080
downloadable tv commercials for education1.620.8885277
product advertisement ideas for students1.620.881197
commercial for school coffee0.420.113294
commercial product ideas for school project1.120.2667399
funny commercial ideas for school project1.170.9124845