Commercials by the dozen searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched commercials by the dozen also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
items sold by the dozen1.510.6551663
things that come by the dozen1.320.1289890
things sold by the dozen0.670.974465
wholesale merchandise by the dozen0.61878434
t shirts by the dozen1.120.3976069
kids by the dozen0.61262945
cheaper by the dozen opening 20030.620.3147864
what is the dozen1.150.234215
cheaper by the dozen opening scene0.910.9756384
cheaper by the dozen 2003 poster1.71862737
cheaper by the dozen trailers and clips1.11370991
flowers by the dozen1.310.5615698
wholesale by the dozen0.420.6370259
the movie the dirty dozen1.951717151
cheaper by the dozen 1950 trailer0.940.7751433
cheaper by the dozen films0.770.3807596
ten to the dozen0.19137889
imdb the dirty dozen1.760.799502
what is playing the dozens0.430.4694961