4 eras of corrections searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched 4 eras of corrections also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
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period of transition era corrections0.090.5427635
reform era of corrections0.220.7810987
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the evolution of corrections0.590.9337196
evolution of corrections throughout history0.80.6742862
what are the 4 eras1.650.4724721
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evolution of corrections in america1.740.7789813
the number of corrections1.130.3576736
the history of corrections0.040.8735775
what are the 4 eras in order0.730.62347
four models of corrections1.010.2942855
information about the corrections1.920.131052
corrections in america 15th edition1.750.9425237
corrections in america 15th edition pdf1.870.3211992
corrections history in america1.910.1462826
american corrections in brief pdf0.80.2992912