3 corrections deputies charged with duis searching

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research: People who searched 3 corrections deputies charged with duis also searched

Keyword CPC PCC Volume Score
army corrections command dui1.930.2973149
charged with a dui0.320.2981019
department of justice corrections0.590.2640042
dui dwi arrests and convictions0.760.3799696
sentenced to jail for dui0.520.539867
felony dui charges and sentencing1.790.9457078
jail sentence for dui0.90.6182761
lawyer charged with dui1.260.555073
ray lewis son charged with dui1.020.3529165
warren officer charged with dui1.180.6494148
two drivers charged in 6 convictions of dui1.32139142
two drivers charged with dui1.31664649
san bernardino mother charged with dui1.580.237275
arrested for dui but not charged0.630.5405958